myTouch 4G Review
Finally, after launched T-mobile G2 to the market. T-mobile now release the latest Android phone for myTouch series with the official name as "myTouch 4G". With the offensive marketing campaign for myTouch 4G which sticking with AT&T we can call it as the iPhone 4 killer. After the QWERTY version - myTouch 4G coming with software keyboard and more powerful CPU processor than myTouch Slide.myTouch 4G available in 4 colors : black, white, red and plum with two-tone colors design and brushed metal on battery cover - thin and sturdy design on myTouch 4G gives a modern look to this phone. myTouch 4G uses physical button and the optical track pad for home screen buttons instead of touch buttons - so, it's very easy to push on it.

The myTouch 4G is one of powerhouse phone lineup - 3.8 inch Super AMOLED with 800 x 480 resolutions is a good quality display screen. It's also very readable in outdoors. Same as HTC Desire HD - the second generation 1GHz Snapdragon QSD8255 Qualcomm CPU and 765MB of RAM are the power source of myTouch 4G.
myTouch 4G coming with 4GB internal memory (only 1GB free for user) and 8GB microSD pre-installed in back cover which you can access without removing the battery.
For Video Chat anywhere with/without Wi-Fi which T-mobile announced for myTouch 4G - myTouch 4G coming with a front-facing camera which we can't see on Tmobile G2 and 5 Megapixel camera with autofocus on back. The camera on myTouch 4G working well on widescreen mode with indoor lighting. The video mode support 720p video recording which is a feature that smartphone must have - outdoor video looking good but indoor video with low-light is working better at 640 x 480 resolutions.

myTouch 4G runs the latest version of Android OS, Android 2.2 ( Froyo ) which brings Flash Player 10.1 to browser and it works pretty good on my Touch 4G. There are many more application from T-mobile and HTC on your myTouch 4G : Swype keyboard - without QWERTY keyboard this is a default keyboard for your phone, Screen Sharing, Media Room - multimedia app for browsing your music, video, FM radio and Slacker radio coming with nice UI, Faves Gallery, T-mobile TV, Genius Button - voice commanded function from Nuance and Qik - video chat app which is one of main feature on myTouch 4G with the new Qik version you can connect your myTouch 4G to social network website like Facebook -using myTouch 4G for finds Facebook profiles that match up with email address you have in the phone and add that profiles link to Qik buddy list, you will see their new status update and an icon if they are online.

The my Touch 4G is the second phone which support T-mobile HSPA+ network or 4G network that T-mobile claimed to be America's largest 4G network after the Tmobile G2. T-mobile has included Wi-Fi calling on my Touch 4G, all you have to do is run an app and register your current Wi-Fi network then selected to prefer Wi-Fi or prefer cellular.The sound quality when you call through Wi-Fi not so good and calls will drops as soon as you are out of Wi-Fi area.
However, myTouch 4G is the latest powerhouse phone with super-fast speed on Tmobile's 4G network. With 3.8 inch screen, 1GHz CPU, Android 2.2, Video Chat, Wi-Fi Calling and tethering for wireless hotspot feature - if you looking for Android phone without QWERTY keyboard in this time, myTouch 4G may be your option.
myTouch 4G now available on Tmobile site and retail stores for $199 on new 2-year contract or you can also buy myTouch 4G only $79 from third party sellers like Radio Shack, Target Mobile and AmazonWireless
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